Climate justice as the basis for a good life for all people!

The industrialised and emerging countries have the largest contribution to global greenhouse gas emissions – but it is the people in the Global South, many of whom already suffer from extreme poverty, who are most affected by the consequences of climate change. Naturefriends International, therefore, calls for more climate justice at the World Climate Conference, which starts this weekend in Sharm El Sheikh: immediate, ambitious and binding climate protection measures as well as efficient support for the countries and people most affected by climate change.

Energy transition for an independent, ecological, and social Europe!

At its Annual Conference in Lozio (Italy), Naturefriends International (NFI) calls on the European Union and its member states to immediately implement necessary measures for an energy self-sufficient, ecological, and social Europe. A rapid switch to renewable energies that is in line with nature conservation is the basis for achieving global climate goals and for ending dependence on the monopoly suppliers of fossil fuels.

Sustainable travel is  easy! 5 tips for  a holiday that combines fun, experience, and a good conscience.

Only One Earth! World Environment Day on 5 June calls for committed action. The environment and sustainability are important to you, too: you separate waste, buy local and plastic-free whenever possible, cycle and wear second-hand clothes? But you are not quite sure how sustainability can also be lived on holiday and while travelling without sacrificing fun and experience? Sustainable travel is not rocket science! We have simple tips for you!

A fruit trees nursery for Farako (Mali)

Production, distribution, and planting of fruit trees for a better future

We are delighted to announce a new Climate Fund project to combat poverty and hunger while mitigating the impact of climate change. It will be implemented by our partner organisation (C-member) 2ADIB-MALI Amis de la Nature, which has been implementing projects that fight poverty and malnutrition and ensure environmental sustainability and education in Mali for almost 20 years. The aim of the project is to establish a commercial nursery to produce fruit tree seedlings.

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