World Tourism Day 2021: Tourism for inclusive growth! For a tourism without losers

Vienna, 27 september 2021
Today, on World Tourism Day, respect_NFI | Naturefriends International renews its long-standing call for a trend reversal in tourism – towards responsible tourism that focuses on people and our planet. This also requires a law that obliges companies to take responsibility for people and the environment throughout their supply chains.

1,000 trees for Senegal. Solidarity for more climate justice!

Under the motto "1,000 trees for Senegal", Naturfreunde Hofheim and Naturfreunde Hessen together with Naturefriends International (NFI) invited to a Zoom discussion on 23 June 2021. Mamadou Mbodji, Senegalese Vice-President of the NFI and president of the African Naturefriends Network, gave a moving speech on the effects of climate change on the African continent.

The respect_NFI travel puzzle … the playful way towards fair travelling!

At the moment, the longing for a change of scenery is great for most of us, but when and how the next trip will be possible is still unclear... The interactive travel puzzle from respect_NFI is just the thing to shorten the waiting time and at the same time get exciting tips for planning the next trip. Join in and build your own sustainable travel picture!

125 years of Naturefriends – a driving force for a sustainable global development!

Naturefriends present approaches to the most pressing issues of the 21st century

For 125 years, Naturefriends have been providing impulses for a sustainable development of our society, which offers perspectives for a good future for all people and respects the natural limits of our planet. At the international Naturefriends Congress, which was held online on 28 November, they presented their demands and solutions to the most pressing issues of the 21st century.

NFI Christmas special! Donate fruit trees for a good future!

People in rural regions of Africa are particularly affected by climate change – the Corona Pandemic is making the situation even worse. The planting of fruit trees in the frame of Climate Fund projects contributes both to climate protection and to the fight against poverty.

30 euros will enable the planting and care of five fruit trees and the accompanying awareness-raising measures – an important contribution to climate protection and an equally important sign of international solidarity in particularly challenging times!

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