Accessible Tourism for All

The purpose of the brochure is to highlight good­practice examples and to encourage not only individual Naturefriends groups but the tourism industry as a whole to follow these examples as well as to call on the European tourism policy­makers to pave the way for barrier­free tourism. The examples presented in the brochure demonstrate that there are different ways of rendering access to tourism and leisuretime activities as barrierfree as possible.

Climate Protection at Friends-of-Nature Houses

Friends-of-Nature Houses set an example! - Accordingly, this brochure on climate protection at Friends-of-Nature houses is intended to raise awareness and to encourage people to take an active part in climate protection and / or extend existing activities.

Flyer Climate Fund

Leaflet to raise donations for the Climate Fund.

Human rights in tourism

This guideline addresses tour operators, assisting them in systematically implementing the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. The implementation process is divided into five key fields of action: strategy, survey, integration, remedy , reporting. The methods, instruments and steps relevant for their implementation will be explained in the implementation guidelines.

Imagefolder: Together for a promising future!

Ever since their foundation in 1895, Naturefriends have been championing free access to nature, social justice and solidarity as well as mindful behaviour towards our environment. Our diverse activities are our contribution to
a promising future for all people.

Landscape of the Year 2007–2009 Danube-Delta

The Danube Delta is situated in the borderland of Romania and the Ukraine, a tiny part extending into Moldova. Eighty per cent of its vast area of more than 5,000 square kilometres is situated in Romania. The region is a nature paradise in the truest sense of the term, and has no equal worldwide: