Landscape of the Year
Every two or three years since 1989, Naturefriends International (NFI) has proclaimed a transboundary and ecologically valuable region as Landscape of the Year. The initiative starts out from current challenges of a region, develops perspectives for sustainable development together with the local population and regional interest groups, and implements corresponding measures.
The Landscape of the Year aims to support the establishment of a cross-border civil society, promote exchange on the common cultural history and strengthen the transboundary consciousness within the local population.
Ecologically and socially sustainable model journeys enable all interested Naturefriends to get to know the region and exchange experiences with the local population, while at the same time benefitting sustainable tourism development in the region.
Landscape of the Year receives the World Tourism Organization's innovation award!
In 2012, the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) awarded the Naturefriends International campaign "Landscape of the Year" the Ulysses Award for Innovation in Non-Governmental Organisations.