Naturefriends for peace

A united voice for a peaceful future for all people

"Naturefriends for Peace" was the motto of the 10th Annual Conference of Naturefriends International (NFI), which took place on 14th September in Heerlen, the Netherlands. "We all want peace and an end to the suffering of the civilian population – be it in Ukraine, Palestine or in the numerous other conflict spots where weapons are being used," said NFI President Manfred Pils in his opening statement.
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NFI PhotoChallange 2024

Kick-off for the respect_NFI-PhotoChallenge 2024: Your adventure by bus, train, bike!

Admire breathtaking scenery through the train window. Discover a region's natural treasures at every step and turn on a hike. Explore remote villages by bike. Silently glide over the water in a kayak. Chat with locals on the bus... By bus, train or bike, experience nature, people and culture up close - and protect the climate! Show us with your photo how you explore the world on sustainable paths!
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