Climate delicacies at Naturefriends Houses: Saving the climate with pleasure!
Our diet has a significant impact on our ecological footprint. The food sector is responsible for more than a quarter of global greenhouse gas emissions, with a large share attributed to animal products. Over the past 20 years, global meat consumption has more than doubled. Currently, about 70% of the world's total agricultural land is used for animal products and the trend is still rising.
In Austria, the average annual meat consumption is almost 60 kg per person - the three-fold the amount recommended by nutrition experts. If you eat vegetarian or vegan dishes more often, you are doing something good for yourself and making a valuable contribution to protecting the climate and our ecological resources, and against the mass livestock farming that is associated with so much suffering.
With their climate delicacies, selected Naturefriends Houses and eco-labelled restaurants all over Austria are setting a good example by offering their guests vegetarian or vegan dishes with regional ingredients – according to the motto "Good for us, good for the planet!“. Under #KlimaRettenMitGenuss we will present a selection of the dishes on our social media channels around World Environment Day on 5 June.
The campaign is part of the Rebels of Change initiative financed by the Austrian Development Agency, which focuses on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).