VOLUNTOURISM – saving the world while travelling?

What you should know before you volunteer.

Travelling and spending a few days working for a social or environmental project at the destination. More and more tour operators offer such holidays. But how, when and where does it make sense to volunteer while on holiday? Naturfriends International – respect and ECPAT Austria produced a short video in which they take a closer look at the most common clichés and misconceptions regarding Voluntourism.
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Naturefriends say “no” to CETA

At the Annual Conference of Naturefriends International (NFI) on 23th September 2016 in Bielefeld (Germany), the national Naturefriends associations adopted a common resolution on CETA, the free-trade agreement between Canada and the European Union.
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© Fotolia/Sergej Khachimullin

WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY 2016: Tourism needs to become more environmentally friendly, too!

1.184 billion tourist arrivals world-wide. The current statistics of the International Tourism Organization (UNWTO) reveal the growth of international tourist arrivals and income from tourism. The tourism industry is pleased, but such growth has an enormous ecological impact on our planet; especially air traffic contributes greatly to climate change. Naturefriends International demands that all parties involved act responsibly: tourism industry, political decision-makers and travellers.
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