Change the way you TRAVEL – make it FAIR and become an ambassador for sustainable tourism
Travelling triggers change … it changes the environment, the economy, and the people in the destination regions, and it also changes the travellers who gain new impressions and experiences. Every individual traveller can shape and promote sustainable tourism development with his/her decisions, activities, and behaviour.
This is where the workshops "Youth Ambassadors for Sustainable Tourism" come in: young people gain knowledge about sustainable tourism in the global context and learn to reflect on their own travel behaviour in order to be able to share their knowledge with their friends.
Review 2017
2017 the project „Youth Ambassadors for Sustainable Tourism“ was on the agenda once more. In the spring and autumn, we had workshop weekends with interested teenagers. Again, the interactive content and the presentations by external experts were very well received.
To pass on the new knowledge to their peer-groups, they created videos on the subject “Travelling Fair in 2050”. They are definitely worth a look!
The best contributions won overnight stays in Naturefriends Houses. Thanks to our supporters!