Photo: ASAN

Fruit trees for northern Senegalese villages – step by step towards more climate justice

In November 2020, the new Climate Fund project of Naturefriends Senegal started with fruit tree plantations in the north of the country. Mamadou Mbodji, who coordinates the activities on site, reports from the project region: Thanks to the generous donations for the Naturefriends Climate Fund, we can implement our project in a total of seven villages. The people there live from agriculture and suffer particularly badly from the consequences of climate change.
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New Climate Fund project ready to start! Fruit trees for Senegalese villages

The north of Senegal, like all rural regions of the Sahel, is particularly affected by climate change. The new Climate Fund project of Naturefriends Senegal is therefore starting just at the right time! The planting of at least 2,000 fruit trees is intended to give new hope and perspectives to the people in four villages in the two regions Louga and Saint Louis in the north of Senegal.
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A contribution to food security in Finkolo

Naturefriends France have been cooperating with Naturefriends Mali 2ADIB-MALI for many years now – one successful example for their cooperation is the development of vegetable cultivation, benefitting the whole local community in Finkolo and its approximately 7,000 inhabitants.
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© Mamadou Mbodji

Improved stoves for a better future

In the second half of February, I made a memorable trip to Guinea in order to take part in the implementation of NFI’s current Climate Fund project, which aims to promote improved stoves in three rural municipalities in the Mount Nimba Biosphere Reserve. A report by Mamadou Mbodji.
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