EU elections 2024: An overview of the parties' voting behaviour in the areas of climate and environmental protection
With the European Green Deal, the EU has taken on a leading role in the global fight against the climate crisis in recent years and set the course towards climate neutrality and more climate justice. In recent months, however, resistance to this ambitious path has grown massively, ecological, and socially just legislation that has already been negotiated is being called into question and populist voices against urgently needed measures to secure a future worth living are becoming ever louder.
This makes the role of EU citizens even more important, as their vote in June 2024 will influence which voices will prevail in the next legislative period. The EU Parliament Scoreboard by BirdLife Europe, Climate Action Network Europe, European Environmental Bureau, Transport & Environment and WWF European Policy Office, which analyses the voting behaviour of MEPs from 2019 to 2024, offers a decision-making aid. The assessment covers 30 policy areas, which include a climate-neutral and socially just transition, the protection and promotion of natural habitats and biodiversity, the circular economy, and an end to pollution.
The results are summarized for the political groups and national parties represented in the European Parliament.
A full analysis and key conclusions can be found here: https://caneurope.org/content/uploads/2024/04/EU-Parliament-Scoreboard_2024.pdf
The methodology and the full list of policies and votes analysed can be found here: https://caneurope.org/eu-parliament-scoreboard-methodology/