106 | A garden for two million visitors
In 2019, Naturefriends Germany presented the "Garden of the Environmental Associations" at the Federal Garden Show (BUGA) in Heilbronn together with the nature conservation organisations BUND and NABU. On 500 square metres, visitors were shown how they can design their garden in an ecological way.
In the environmental workplace, for which a wooden pergola with solar roof and two pavilions were set up, various workshops were held, for example on the questions "How do bats find their way in the dark?" or "How does the solar system on the roof work?"
The garden of the environmental associations was also part of the "Colourful Classroom" of the BUGA, where kindergarten and school children determined plant and animal species, built birdhouses and learned many exciting things about nature.
A contribution to the following UN Sustainable Developement Goals: