076 | Tri-national Naturefriends hikes in the cross-border region of Germany, France and Switzerland
One of the many ideas that were born during the international Naturefriends initiative “Landscape of the Year Upper Rhine Valley” has, over the years, become a success story: In order to continue the encounters between Naturefriends in the border triangle of Switzerland, Germany and France after the end of the Landscape of the Year project, the local Naturefriends groups active in the region, together with the team of the Naturefriends hiking community of Baden-Wuerttemberg, launched the “Tri-national Naturefriends Trail” which invites Naturefriends to experience the region by hiking together. Whenever possible, Naturefriends houses are chosen for overnight stays. The focus is on getting to know the cultural and environmental characteristics of the region as well as on exchange between the participants.
The plan is to organise one tour a year, starting in 2017 and over a total of eight years. Every hiking day will be led by hiking guides from the region. Explanations will be made in German and French.
A contribution to the following UN Sustainable Developement Goals: