Review Action Camp
The SDG Action Camp took place from July 19-21, 2024 at the Neubauhütte in Kolm Saigurn. Summery mountain air, a view of the Sonnbergkees and the cozy atmosphere of a mountain hut - this was the backdrop of the Neubauhütte in the Hohe Tauern National Park.
Nine motivated young people came together there to plan their own project in the context of the relationship between recreational activities and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The connection between these two topics is diverse: be it a hike with local examples of the climate crisis, a theater performance in a public place, or a climbing workshop with socially marginalized groups. The aim of these activities is to make the global sustainability goals tangible for participants by providing a local perspective. The close by glacier nature trail of the Rauris Nature Friends also illustrated this connection, as it makes obvious how global climate change is causing local glacier retreat. Some of the participants also took part in the renovation of this glacier nature trail in the run-up to the SDG Action Camp as part of the 'Umweltbergwoche' (Environmental Mountain Week) of the Young nature friends. Further insights are summarized in the Naturefriends Magazine 4/2024.
At the SDG-Action Camp, the participants received extensive support in developing their projects. Together with “Welthaus Graz” and the “SDG Botschafter*innen”, various method workshops were held to introduce the participants to the SDGs, explain their interactions and help them to set up their own small project in this context. During these workshops, a wide range of discussions took place, and the weekend produced many exciting project ideas.
These project ideas will be implemented over the course of 2025. Information about the pilot projects will be continuously added to our website.
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