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Green 10 

The Green 10 is a coalition of the ten largest environmental organisations and networks that are active at the European level. With their activities, the Green 10 work to ensure that the European Union assumes its responsibilities with regard to protection of the climate, environment, biodiversity and human health within and beyond its borders.

European Environmental Bureau (EEB) 

The European Environmental Bureau is Europe's largest network of environmental citizen's organisations and unites around 140 member organisations in more than 30 countries. The EEB stands for sustainable development, environmental justice and participatory democracy.


ECOTRANS was founded in 1993 as European network of experts and organisations that champion sustainable tourism development.


The key concerns of the international organisation for children's rights are advocacy, lobbying, information and awareness-raising on measures against all forms of commercial sexual exploitation of children through child prostitution, child pornography and child trafficking. 

E.T.E. – Ecological Tourism in Europe

E.T.E. (Ökologischer Tourismus in Europa, Ö.T.E.) stands up for the implementation of sustainable tourism and carries out pilot projects alone and in cooperation with other organisations. 

Roundtable Human Rights in Tourism

Naturefriends International is a founding member of the Roundtable Human Rights in Tourism and is also its liaison office in Austria. The Roundtable champions putting into practice human rights due diligence of companies in tourism. Its members are tour operators, travel associations, certification institutions and multipliers as well as non-governmental organisations in this sector.


The Swiss non-profit organisation has been campaigning for a new way of travelling since 1977. For a fair and environmentally friendly way of travelling that increases the well-being of travellers and the local population and does not harm our planet.

Studienkreis für Tourismus und Entwicklung e.V. 

The Studienkreis für Tourismus und Entwicklung (Institute for Tourism and Development) is concerned with development-related information and education activities in tourism. It is editor of the "SympathieMagazine" and of other publications, it organises international contests as well as education and training workshops for people working in tourism and is also active in the areas of tourism research and consulting. 

Tourism Watch 
Bread for the World – Protestant Development Service together with its ecumenical partners are committed to sustainable, socially responsible and ecologically sustainable tourism. TourismWatch is a quarterly information service that provides reports and background information about long-distance tourism. 


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Austrian Development Agency (ADA)

Within its funding programme "Development communication and education in Austria", the Austrian Development Agency supports our public relations and educational activities.

Allianz für Klimagerechtigkeit (Alliance for Climate Justice)
NFI is member of the "Allianz für Klimagerechtigkeit", which campaigns for more climate protection in Austria and within the EU and for global climate justice in line with the United Nations 2030 Agenda. As a permanent thematic platform of Austrian NGOs working in the fields of environment, development cooperation, social affairs and humanitarian aid, it aims to raise awareness of the connection between climate and development among the general public, opinion leaders, authorities and decision-makers.

Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism (BMNT)

NFI closely cooperates with the department of Environmental Protection at company level of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism (Bundesministerium für Nachhaltigkeit und Tourismus, BMNT) and is involved in drafting the guidelines of the Austrian Ecolabel for tourism. 
Furthermore, NFI regularly participates in meetings of the "Round Table Ethics in Tourism" of the department of International Tourism Matters. |

Vocational School for Trade and Travel Vienna

The Vocational School for Trade and Travel (Berufsschule für Handel und Reisen) attaches great importance to the issue of sustainable tourism in its travel agents' training. Education for sustainable development is not limited to individual subjects but is kept in mind in the entire school life and school culture.

FH Joanneum Bad Gleichenberg

The University of Applied Sciences "Johanneum" in Bad Gleichenberg is a research and education institution for applied sciences, focussing on health and management.

MODUL University Vienna

MODUL University Vienna is an internationally oriented organisation for research and education in the areas of tourism, sustainable development, new media technology and public governance.

Travel Industry Club Tourismus Austria (TICT) 

The Travel Industry Club Tourism sees itself as an independent, cross-industry and Austria-wide tourism network. Its aim is to address innovative topics, provide a platform for cooperation, support the transfer of expertise and promote professional development and the exchange of experience.

Austrian Federal Forests

As the largest manager of the natural environment in Austria, the Austrian Federal Forests (Österreichische Bundesforste) have a special responsibility for Austria's forests, lakes and mountains. They are a long-standing cooperation partner of Naturefriends International; several pilot projects on nature education and on sustainable experience of nature have been implemented together.

Österreichischer ReiseVerband (ÖRV)

Österreichischer ReiseVerband (ÖRV, Austrian Travel Association) is the independent and neutral interest group of Austrian travel agencies and tour operators.

SDG Watch Austria

NFI is a member of SDG Watch Austria, an association of more than 130 civil society and non-profit organisations that are jointly committed to the ambitious implementation of the 2030 Agenda and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Austria.

Conscious Tourism Group 

respect_NFI is a member of the CTG, a Co-operative for Mindfulness and Ethics in Tourism.The members of the CTG have the common goal of supporting a paradigm shift in sustainable tourism - because sustainable tourism is an important tool for achieving the Global Goals of the 2030 Agenda.

Österreichische Gesellschaft für angewandte Tourismusforschung (ÖGAF)

ÖGAF (Austrian Society for Applied Tourism Research) is a platform for the exchange of knowledge between research and practice in the tourism sector.