Mamadou Mbodji / President of Naturefriends Africa Network (© Archiv NFI)
Downloads Präsentation von ANDREA LICHTENECKER, Geschäftsführerin der Naturfreunde Internationale Präsentation von MAMADOU MBODJI, Präsident des Afrika-Netzwerks der Naturfreunde Präsentation von MICHAEL MÜLLER, Bundesvorsitzender der Naturfreunde Deutschlands Präsentation von BERNHARD ZLANABITNIG, EU-Umweltbüro
Seminar on climate justice in the run-up to the Climate Change Conference in Paris
In the run-up to the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris, Naturefriends International together with the Karl-Renner-Institut and Naturefriends Austria hosted an international seminar on climate justice in autumn 2015.
The presentations and discussions approached the topic from different perspectives, highlighted the need for action in countries of the Global North and the Global South and presented good-practice examples.