Kick-off for tree sponsorships in Senegal and The Gambia. Naturefriends for climate justice!
After intensive preparation, the time has finally come: the official launch of the Naturefriends tree sponsorships in Senegal and The Gambia is just around the corner! Around 3,500 fruit trees are to be planted in the next few weeks with people living in six villages along the two countries' border region, which was awarded Naturefriends Landscape of the Year in 2018. They will then be given to families to care for, such as watering and protecting them from goats and other grazing animals. In a few years, they will be able to enjoy mangoes, lemons and sapote fruit.
Trees for a better life
Like everywhere else in the Sahel, the people in the selected villages of Koungheul Socé, Koumbidia Socé, Sally Escale and Maka Gouye in Senegal and Janjanbureh and Yoro Bere Kunda in The Gambia are particularly hit by the climate crisis. Already today, a massive deterioration of the already extreme climatic conditions can be seen and, consequently, a dramatic increase in poverty and malnutrition. The tree sponsorships are intended to improve the living conditions of the population and at the same time contribute to climate protection. The aim is to give all interested families in the villages access to fresh fruit and at the same time to sensitise them to climate protection measures. The trees themselves strengthen the soil and thus counteract the advancing erosion, improve the microclimate in the villages and contribute to climate protection by absorbing CO2.
Together for climate justice
Through continuous support in the following years, a lasting and sustainable positive impact on the living situation in the villages is to be ensured. This includes regular visits by the project team of Naturefriends from Senegal and The Gambia, educational activities, and the replanting of those trees that, despite good care, are unable to survive the extreme climatic conditions.
Funding is planned through donations from European Naturefriends, who can thus make a personal contribution to climate justice. Especially now, at the beginning of the main travel season, which is accompanied by particularly high CO2 emissions, taking out a tree sponsorship offers the chance to make a solidary compensation for our privileged lifestyle.
Take part!
In addition to individual tree sponsorships, taking on a tree sponsorship is also an opportunity for local groups to jointly contribute to more climate justice – the amount of the payments can be individually adjusted; for local groups, for example, ONE EURO/PER MEMBER/PER YEAR is an effective choice.
With your donation, you help us to plant at least 3,500 trees per year, giving people in the villages new perspectives and above all strengthening the role of women, who are traditionally responsible for cultivating the gardens and fields!
More information and contact:
More information on tree sponsorships can be found on the Climate Fund website: https://climatefund.nf-int.org/en/treesponsorship-in-senegal-and-gambia/. Frequently asked questions are answered here: https://climatefund.nf-int.org/en/news/get-involved-now-tree-sponsorships-in-senegal-and-the-gambia/.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us directly: Elena Teutsch, elena.teutsch@nf-int.org or call +43 (0)1 892 38 77).
For interested local groups, we are glad to organise an online seminar where we provide detailed information about the initiative.