Campaign #tourismusneudenken (rethink tourism)
The corona virus determines our lives - and also our ways of travelling. Curfews, travel restrictions and border closures have paralysed the tourism industry. Now the borders are opening again, tourism is picking up speed again. But how will the corona crisis affect the future development of tourism? Will we continue as before or will we now follow a more sustainable path in line with the United Nations' "Agenda 2030 for a Sustainable Development of the World"?
It is time to think about how we want to travel in the future and to initiate a turn towards sustainability! In this sense we are launching the campaign #tourismusneudenken (rethink tourism) in the social media channels of respect_NFI. In the coming months, actors who actively contribute to the sustainable development of global tourism will be invited to speak. In addition to these thought-provoking impulses, those interested will find suggestions and practical tips for travelling that brings sustainable experiences, relaxation, beautiful encounters, new experiences - and protects the environment and climate.
The campaign is currently only available in German. The core messages will also be published in English on the NFI Facebook page.
Have a look! facebook respect_NFI | instagram respect_NFI #tourismusneudenken
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