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Manfred Pils

125 years of Naturefriends – a driving force for a sustainable global development!

Naturefriends present approaches to the most pressing issues of the 21st century

For 125 years, Naturefriends have been providing impulses for a sustainable development of our society, which offers perspectives for a good future for all people and respects the natural limits of our planet. At the international Naturefriends Congress, which was held online on 28 November, they presented their demands and solutions to the most pressing issues of the 21st century.

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NFI Christmas special! Donate fruit trees for a good future!

People in rural regions of Africa are particularly affected by climate change – the Corona Pandemic is making the situation even worse. The planting of fruit trees in the frame of Climate Fund projects contributes both to climate protection and to the fight against poverty.

30 euros will enable the planting and care of five fruit trees and the accompanying awareness-raising measures – an important contribution to climate protection and an equally important sign of international solidarity in particularly challenging times!

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Advent Calendar 2020

Take part in our interactive advent calendar!

The corona virus has got our travel behaviour under control this year - lockdowns and travel restrictions still make travelling difficult. But what will the future bring and how will this crisis affect the future development of tourism? Will we continue to travel as we have done so far, or will we manage a transition towards sustainability?

We want to reflect on this question together with you and therefore invite you to the respect_NFI Christmas bakery. Here, supported by our lovely baker, we will create delicious knowledge biscuits during Advent and work on recipes for fair and sustainable travel. With a box full of sustainable travel biscuits, we can then start together into a new and exciting year 2021.

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Photo: Ingeborg Pint

Join our virtual journey into the Landscape of the Year Senegal/The Gambia

At the International Naturefriends meeting in Janjanbureh (The Gambia) in January 2020, the focus was not only on the 125th anniversary of the Naturefriends movement but also on celebrating two successful years of Landscape of the Year Senegal/The Gambia. This event was followed by a two-weeks trip to the most important venues and partners of the Landscape of the Year, which was regularly reported on in various NFI media.

Many people were expressing the wish that NFI would also be able to organise such a tour in 2021, which is now regrettably not possible due to the Covid-19 pandemic. We would therefore like to offer all interested people the opportunity to join a virtual journey through the Landscape of the Year.

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World Tourism Day 2020

World Tourism Day 2020: COVID 19 – Now is the time to transform tourism!

Transforming tourism is the demand of the day - this is what the "Transforming Tourism Initiative" is calling for from the World Tourism Organisation UNWTO on the occasion of World Tourism Day on 27 September. The global network of NGOs, tourism professionals and academia identifies concrete measures on how the tourism industry can emerge from the current COVID-19 crisis in a more sustainable and strengthened way. It calls for rapid and committed action on the part of UNWTO - and the involvement of all stakeholders in a spirit of partnership. Only in this way can tourism emerge stronger from the global crisis and contribute to achieving the common vision of Agenda 2030 for a good life for all. Here is an extract from the Open Letter to UNWTO …

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