(de)colonial CLIMATE - On the way to climate justice



The young Naturefriends invite you to the Transformation Academy (de)colonial CLIMATE - On the way to climate justice from June 10th to 12th in a beautiful house on the lake in Brandenburg. Three days of (de)colonial perspectives on climate politics & activism and exploring ways to global climate justice. Three discrimination-sensitive summer days with workshops, networking and relaxation at the lake for those interested in climate policy and active people from associations, movements and university groups and with guests from our sister organizations from Benin and Senegal.

Register now till 31th of May 2022: https://www.naturfreundejugend.de/termine/-/-/show/5583/transformationsakademie_auf_dem_weg_zur_klimagerechtigkeit/

Some Workshops will be in English. We have whispered translations in English, French and German throughout the conference.